It is the policy of Maxblis to accomplish Real Estate developments of various types through the employment of experienced Contractors and Specialist Subcontractors to achieve quality excellence consistent with all Client’s requirements, applicable codes and standards.
The Contractors and or Specialist Subcontractors will be employed on the clear understanding that they must follow the requirements of our Quality Management System.
- Ensure compliance to all applicable laws and legal requirements related to Environmental aspects; and implement
- Environment Management Program to prevent pollution and waste of resources.
- Ensure compliance to all applicable building bye-laws and deliver safe buildings.
- Ensure compliance to all applicable legal and statutory requirements related to project development and construction.
- Ensure compliance to all safety laws and requirements; and provide for safety of workers, personnel, material and machinery.
- Ensure high level of competency and team work in the organization by providing effective leadership, communication and training.
The management is committed to the continual improvement of the Quality Management System.